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A Productive Start to 2024
Networking and Innovation at Industry-Leading Events

India Affiliate Summit
Reflecting on a Remarkable Experience at IAS23 India Affiliate Summit

LeadNetwork in Warsaw!
Calling All Affiliates! Join Us during Conversion Conference 2023 in Warsaw, Poland! Our Team Is Waiting for You!

LeadNetwork Invites You to Affiliate Summer Europe 2023
We are thrilled to announce that the LeadNetwork team will be attending the Affiliate World Europe event, taking place from July 12 to July 13, 2023, in Barcelona.

LeadNetwork Supports Ukraine
Throughout history, regardless of geographical distances, humans have always maintained a strong social bond. This interconnectedness becomes particularly evident when certain communities face adversity caused by natural disasters or other human-induced factors. In such challenging times, people from around the globe unite to offer their aid and support to those in need.

Jacking up Your Online Marketing Game this December
It seems like Halloween was only yesterday and Black Friday is nearly upon us, but smart marketers will already have an eye on their Christmas campaigns. For many companies, December's revenue will be helping to support them through leaner months, so this is really a matter of striking while the iron is hot.

HTML Based Emails Against Text Based Emails
When your email campaign fails, it could be the type of email you send out that is the issue. In this blog we run a test to see if visually appealing HTML based emails or plain and direct text based emails are more effective in an email marketing campaign. The results may leave you shocked.

Mobile-friendly web-design features
In today’s digital age, users are interacting with websites and companies via mobile device more
now than ever before. The days are over when you built a beautifully-designed website with the
idea that the user would go to your page on a computer. Now the name of the game is responsive
web design (RWD).

Less direct ways to build affiliate links
Conventionally, when people talk about affiliate marketing, , the conversation tends to focus on side-banner ads. A lot of bloggers forget side-banner ads are just one method of including affiliate links on their websites.

Attracting the best affiliates for your business
First let’s start with differentiating between a good affiliate and a great one. It simply comes to cashflow. There are thousands of good affiliates operating out there, however most simply do not have the cash to scale.
However, it only takes one great affiliate to MAKE your business.
However, it only takes one great affiliate to MAKE your business.

Long tail keywords to boost traffic and rankings
Since the advent of blogging, bloggers have strived to improve their methods of keyword targeting.
The key is to strike the balance between creating useful, solution-based content with keyword based content. By that, we mean there is no point stuffing keywords into content that is essentially just ‘fluff’ while there is also no point in creating great content no one can find.

Make link-building less daunting: tips to generate new links
Building backlinks are an integral factor in a successful SEO strategy. By definition, link-building denotes the practice of getting other websites to link back to yours.

Is pay per lead affiliate marketing for you?
Pay per lead affiliate marketing is among the most popular ways for affiliates to earn income for their efforts. Due its popularity, many novice affiliates make the assumption it is also the best choice for them, but is it? Here we examine pay per lead affiliate marketing and whether it is something you should be looking at to be a more profitable affiliate.

Tips from the most productive content teams
If we could give you a key to greater productivity, a key that could by magic give you back some of your nights and weekends, what do think that would look like? We are guessing you would not expect it to resemble a workflow.

Get your content noticed with these seven tips
If you want the content you produce to serve its intended purpose and drive your marketing goals, you have to be proactive about content promotion. Here we list seven tactics for content promotion that you should utilize to ensure your website gets the attention it deserves.

Google moves to mobile-first for search results
In November, Google rolled out a new mobile-first index. What that means is Google will generate and rank its search listings based on content presented on the search engine’s mobile version that includes results shown to desktop users. Are you wondering how this works? Let us explain.

Produce content with high search engine results
If you create great content, distribute it across appropriate channels consistently, but you still are not getting the traffic you expect, it is probably time you faced facts: If the content you produce does not appear on the first relevant search query results page, the audience you are targeting may not be aware it exists.

Balancing niche and broad content
Content marketing can often feel like walking a high wire while being buffeted by crosswinds. Firstly, on one hand, you realize the need to have brand recognition: Followers, shares, likes, all the ingredients that make marketers happy.

Engagement Economy - future of business
Four months into 2017, there is little question that digital transformation and innovation has changed the way companies conduct business forever.

How to rank leads from hot to cold
Lead generation companies use the term ‘lead scoring’ as part of their marketing methodology. Lead scoring refers to a process but it is not a standalone method, as it applies to the leads generated by a firm or service.
It is a simple concept with a clear purpose. Lead scoring is needed to draw a line between what are cold and what are hot leads.
It is a simple concept with a clear purpose. Lead scoring is needed to draw a line between what are cold and what are hot leads.

B2B strategies need to be a work in progress
When considering the priorities of a B2B company, acquiring leads and therefore new customers is fairly close to topping the list. That is unlikely to come as any surprise to you.
You may also know already your potential customers are always rapidly evolving – methods you used successfully in the past to transform leads into customers soon become ineffective. Perhaps you are reading this to gain insights into ways to improve your B2B marketing/customer acquisition strategies.
Fortunately, you are in the right place.

Inquiries versus leads, what is the difference
Many in the field of marketing and sales are in the mode of thinking inquiries and actual leads are the same thing, in fact, they are very different. So before looking at what an inquiry actually is let’s look at what it is not.)

Improve the quality of your content
In a basic cause-and-effect experiment, you will have a variable that can be influenced by the addition or application of other variables and observing their effect. If the content you create is the main variable in your experiment, then you want to identify what other variables you need to know about and then adjust them to make the content “better”. These variables may include:

Optimize your social media conversion rates
Most people are aware of the power of social media when it comes to branding. It is one of the most useful ways to reach a mass audience and build brand awareness for your company. However, there is another facet of social media of equal importance – converting social media followers into customers or leads.

Understand how Google ranks a site
Google in the undisputed king of search engines with no other coming even close to claiming the throne. It claims a 75% share of the US market and racks up a total of 40,000 searches per second. Because millions of people turn to Google to make purchasing decisions, the owners of businesses should understand how Google Search works to get their website listed as high as possible on the results page.

Consumer protection in the loan lead industry
In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) held a workshop entitled “Follow the Lead” which put the lead generation industry under the microscope. Last September the FTC released a staff perspective and summary of what was learned in the workshop and their expectations of businesses that take part in the lead industry and the process of lead generation.

Website optimization - latest trends
Each year that passes, search engines develop new rules and algorithms hoping to combat spam links and those trying to exploit the system.
They are the rules set by the giants Google and Bing and usually emulated by the smaller players in the industry. And they mean every webmaster must keep up to date with the constantly changing SEO world in order to help customers achieve their search based targets.
They are the rules set by the giants Google and Bing and usually emulated by the smaller players in the industry. And they mean every webmaster must keep up to date with the constantly changing SEO world in order to help customers achieve their search based targets.

Gain understanding of natural language search
Search engine giant Google and its followers Bing and others are concentrating on bringing online searches for information more in line with the way people think and speak.

Content that works without too many keywords
How do you produce content to grow business, without being too concerned about keywords and keyword research?

Boosting conversion rates made easy
Are you wanting to increase website conversions? Often the smallest adjustments make the biggest impact. Without further ado, we are sharing 104 fast and simple hints and tips that lead to increases in your conversion rates.

Subject line ideas to boost email open rates
Wanting to increase your rate of email opening? Marketing experts who achieve high open rates use what are proven principles of psychology to write eye-catching subject lines for emails that grab the recipient’s attention and thus prompt them to read an email. With this guide, we will share 101 examples of the best email subject lines that subscribers can’t resist.

An ultimate guide to landing pages
Use customer feedback as the basis of your optimization strategy. Boring...
Every statement is true. However, none of them sound inspiring, in fact they sound lame.
If you don’t want to be a lame marketer, well, read on to find out.

Mobile-age location-based marketing
According to local advertising and marketing marketplace think-tank BIA/Kelsey smartphone and mobile internet device penetration in the US is estimated to have reached 87% of the population.
In 2016, more than 25% of all search volume in the US is mobile and more than 50% of mobile searches have a local focus.
What does this mean? In short location targeting is taking over the online advertising industry and this is illustrated by US mobile ad revenues.
In 2016, more than 25% of all search volume in the US is mobile and more than 50% of mobile searches have a local focus.
What does this mean? In short location targeting is taking over the online advertising industry and this is illustrated by US mobile ad revenues.

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Network Program
If you are a personal finance market affiliate searching for a trusted and established company known for providing the highest industry payouts to affiliates, is the ideal platform to meet your needs.

Lead generation 10 key rules
OK, think of yourself as Moses and of us as God…no, scratch that. What we are about to do is nowhere near as epic, you aren’t going to lead an enslaved people to freedom but you be doing some leading of a different kind - generating leads. We are going to issue you with 10 commandments for doing so, but we aren’t going to deliver them on a mountain, instead we are delivering them direct to your PC or mobile device. That’s much easier than climbing. You’re welcome.

CPFB payday loan rule
The future of wide-ranging legislation designed to curb the payday lending industry is up in the air following President-elect Donald Trump’s shock US election win and a resurgent Republican Party.
However, at least for now, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed payday lending rule is still on the table.
However, at least for now, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed payday lending rule is still on the table.

Relationship between color and conversion
Few people realize the influence color has on our minds – shaping our likes, dislikes and our choices. The role of color in our choices is just as true in the digital world as it is in the real world. And the effect of color online is the focus of this article.
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Ready to get started?
Our extensive expertise in generating quality payday loan leads means we offer one of the top pay per lead affiliate programs in the niche payday loans marketplace. We have a key advantage over competitors due our advanced lead optimization software – LeadNetwork proprietary software. This technology provides publishers with a lead network that offers some of the industry’s highest payouts per lead and gives buyers lower cost per funded loans while boosting lead to funded rates of conversion.
Our pay per lead affiliate program offers affiliate marketing solutions that converts your traffic into income.